If you’re building an e-commerce site with WordPress, having the right theme is important. Your site’s design will impact potential customers’ perceptions of your business. Plus, the functionality your theme provides will determine how easily you’re able to incorporate key e-commerce elements on your site.

A multipurpose theme such as Uncode can help you build your e-commerce site efficiently. By including pre-built product page layouts, along with easy-to-use elements such as pricing tables and contact forms, Uncode can help you create your ideal online store. With this theme, you’ll be able to display products and information clearly, as well as engage customers more effectively.

In this article, we’ll look at how WordPress functions as an e-commerce platform. We’ll also examine six reasons why Uncode is perfect for online stores. Let’s dive right in!

Using WordPress as an E-Commerce Platform

Although there are many e-commerce platforms available for those wishing to start an online store, WordPress has risen to the top as a favorite among online retailers. More specifically, WooCommerce has become the most popular platform for e-commerce, and now powers 22% of online shops.

This is easy to understand, as the combination of WordPress and WooCommerce grants online retailers a wide range of benefits. WordPress and its many plugins provide almost endless customization options to help your e-commerce site stand out from the crowd. Plus, with WordPress and WooCommerce you have complete control over your store’s data and content.

Of course, you’ll also need a theme to add style and functionality to your site. Fortunately, Uncode integrates smoothly with WooCommerce to help you create an online experience that encourages conversions. It also features several pre-built elements that are essential for e-commerce, so you’ll have everything you need to build a site that’s customer-friendly.

6 Reasons to Use Uncode for Your E-Commerce Site

Uncode has more going for it than its integration potential with WooCommerce. There are several reasons choosing our theme for your e-commerce site can help you succeed. Let’s look at a few of the most important benefits!

1. A Professional-Looking Theme Builds Trust With Customers

Studies have shown that web design plays a crucial role in how trustworthy users think a website is. Since e-commerce scams are more prevalent than ever, encouraging customers to trust you is key if you want to make lots of sales. Using a professional-looking theme helps to instill confidence in those who visit your site.

With clean layouts and modern design elements, Uncode makes it easy to present a professional face to potential customers. There will be no doubt that your site is well-kept and the people behind it are proud of their work, which should help to reassure any hesitant customers.

2. Page Layouts Help You Highlight Your Products’ Best Features

How you display your products can impact your sales, so you’ll want to be sure your product pages show off your items’ best features. Clear displays help customers see the benefits your products can provide, encouraging them to make purchases:

An Uncode product page layout.

Uncode offers plenty of pre-built page layouts, to help you get your site up and running faster. Therefore, you can spend more time perfecting your products, and less time tinkering with their online displays. You’ll also get access to several tried-and-true layouts for product pages that feature sleek designs, and showcase your images in modern gallery-style formats.

3. Pricing Tables Enable You to Display Information Clearly

Pricing tables are an excellent way to help customers compare products or services, and choose which ones are best for them. Including tables that clearly display your prices can even help to encourage sales:

A pricing table made with Uncode.

With Uncode, adding pricing tables to your site couldn’t be easier. We offer a variety of pre-built tables that you can quickly insert into your pages or posts, and then customize at will. This ensures that your tables blend in seamlessly with your site’s design, and keeps you from having to install an additional plugin to handle this feature.

4. Contact Forms Assist With Communication and Can Increase Loyalty

By adding a contact form to your store, you ensure that your customers have a way to get in touch if they need help. Improving your customer service this way can increase customer engagement, and lead to more loyal customers who make your site their first stop for shopping:

A contact for made with Uncode.

Just like pricing tables, contact forms can be added to your site with plugins. However, using Uncode’s pre-built contact forms is not only easy, but also helps maintain a more consistent design and experience across your e-commerce site.

5. Call To Action (CTA) Buttons Encourage Sales

CTA links and buttons help direct customers to your checkout page quickly and easily. By streamlining your checkout process, CTAs decrease the chance that customers will get lost on your site or leave it to shop elsewhere:

An Uncode shop demo Home page featuring a CTA button.

In particular, buttons make for attractive CTAs that encourage your customers to make purchases. With Uncode as your e-commerce theme, you’ll have access to several styles and sizes of pre-built buttons that you can customize to match your site, and then easily add to any post or page.

6. Related Product Displays Can Raise Profits

Last but not least, personalizing your customers’ experience on your store can help replicate the feeling of in-person customer service. By recommending products based on prior activity, you make it easier for customers to find more of what they want, often leading to increased profits:

An Uncode content carousel.

Using content carousels in Uncode can help you guide customers towards items that match their interests. Plus, by neatly organizing your high-quality product images into interactive displays, you can encourage browsing without requiring your customers to leave the page they’re already on.


An e-commerce site built with WordPress and WooCommerce needs a theme that can keep up. Uncode provides both variety and flexibility in its style and functionality, so you can count on it to take your online store to the next level.

In this article, we’ve looked at six reasons Uncode is a smart way to create your online store:

  1. Applying a professional-looking theme builds trust with customers.
  2. Using page layouts helps you highlight your products’ best features.
  3. Including pricing tables enables you to display information clearly.
  4. Communicating with customers by using contact forms can increase loyalty.
  5. Adding customized CTA buttons encourages sales.
  6. Promoting related products in content carousels can raise profits.